
And one of the elders said, "Speak to us of good and evil." And he answered, "Of the good in you I can speak, but not the evil. For what is evil but good tortured by its own hunger and thirst? Verily, when good is hungry it seeks food in dark caves and when it thirsts it drinks even of dead waters."

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The Sentinel's Herald / Re: A Message for Prospective ...
Last post by dc - October 03, 2008, 09:57:03 AM
An addendum to the above message, given some recent registration attempts.....

If you register with a screen name composed of random letters, your registration will be rejected.   There are far too many spam bots out there that employ this tactic, and we will have to err on the side of caution.  We do compare email addresses and IP ranges against lists of known spammers, but a screen name of gibberish will be rejected regardless of any checks.
The Sentinel's Herald / A Message for Prospective Memb...
Last post by Bjerg - January 21, 2007, 10:31:09 AM
Greetings and welcome to Havenstead,
I am aware that while you are perusing the fineries our site has to offer and the endless opportunities for creative license, it is important to establish a positvie impression of precisely what we have to offer you.

Please note that we have restricted full access to our forums to protect the creative integrity of our website and the privacy of our members and that you will be required to register your membership before full access is granted to our forums and the stories that are created therein.

Our playground consists of fourteen forums representing the distinction between the city's Districts. They include, Beyond the Realms, The Shires of Havenstead, The Gates of Havenstead, Great Bridge, the Noble District, the Merchant's Square, Town Square Gardens, the Tea House District, the Dock Section and Black Light District, the Slave Quarter, the Residential Quarter, the Waterfront, the Governor's Palace and the Shadows of Undercity.

We also have our Havenstead Community, which includes information on the history of Havenstead; City Lore which includes general information on Characters, Establishments and the Guilds and structures which govern Havenstead as a whole. The Sentinel's Herald which is the forum you see here is designed as a newsletter of sorts highlighting discussions pertaining to Decorum and the expected standards and guidlelines we have put into place. The Sentinel's Chambers where all questions regarding technical aspects of our site can be brought to the attention of our Sentinel, Diamonds in the Rough, which is a specialized forum for unfinished stories and then of course, Out of Character and Off Topic Discussions, the purpose for which is self explanatory.

Registration is necessary for full access and to also access the Archive section as I've previously stated and all other pertinent information including a full description of our Districts and how to instructions for posting and interaction is sent in the welcome package you will receive once your membership is accepted.

Please take your time carefully reading through our standards and guidelines and rest assured, so much more waits for you after a few simple clicks through the process of registering. It's quick and easy but most importantly, free.

We look forward to the prospect of your membership and perhaps even a taste of your individual perspectives.

The Sentinel's Herald / Severing the Ties that Bind
Last post by Bjerg - July 16, 2006, 11:41:18 PM
Greetings Citizens,

This is a post I just finished posting on our yahoo group, it is in reference to the website and some of the changes we are making during the last and final stages of our transition. You need do nothing at all, just continue to post here without having to worry about sending a link to the yahoo group. Please read this- and if there any questions at all feel free to post them here as a reply.

It is with the greatest pleasure and utmost satisfaction that I come to all of you finally able to make this announcement. As you know by now we have a new website which is thriving and growing everyday. It was my original intention to create this venue, our very own place on the world wide web where we are able to come together with like minds and creative efforts to share our common interests.

Yahoo has been a consistent thorn in our sides for some time and it has been a strident effort to continue with the vision of Havenstead while trying to wade through hip deep restrictions that yahoo has attempted to place on us. Unstable servers, lost messages, wiped accounts or address books, disregard for privacy, tracking software and 'beacons', the list goes on. Needless to say, yahoo's policies clash with our best interest and has become a major source of contention which is the primary reason I've been so dedicated to building our new home. It's finally done, has been for about three months now.

About six weeks ago I posted some polls here to get a feel for your opinions in regards to how we should make the transition; either delete the group or make a slow change. Though many did not vote, I stayed in regular contact with quite a few of you through the process of waiting and found that the general consensus and overall wish of this community was to make a slow transition and keep the group open as a filter for new members.

Through the course of our time here, I left behind a few bread crumbs with some other sites which share a common interest and some BDSM directories so the chance is good we will most likely have a few new registrations here and there.

The group will stay open to act as a filter and forwarding mechanism to bring new members to the website. A system was put into place to bring the group's members to the site and giving everyone a sense of familiarity with how the website functioned and some time of 'hands on' with posting and so on before we made the shift complete. You've probably noticed by now that the recent posts have not  been complete stories and have had only the first paragraph and then a link to the rest of the story which takes you to the site.

I think by this time everyone here has been to the site and has a good working knowledge of how things finction. The time has finally come- we will continue to accept posts as they are sent to the group, however, the group will remain on moderation status and we will continue to post links, but they will look like the one that was just sent by Soleil entitled, "Choices Cause Consequences."

There is no need to continue sending messages to this group. Simply post your messages on the website as you normally would, and the Moderators are already in place to send the link to this group. This is functional for a couple of good reasons. One, it makes things so much easier for you, two, it doesn't give yahoo a reason to delete this group for inactivity (which states in their policy they will after 6 months of inactivity) and it continues to lead potential members to our website.

Finally, we are mostly free from yahoo. There's so much I could say about the server...however I'll hold my tongue for the sake of propriety and prudent judgment. Some of you already know my feelings on the subject.

I am going to be removing my character e-mails from the membership list except for my decadentwonder account which is the owner name on the group. If you like you are more than welcome to remove yours as well, but please be certain you are registered on the website. Unfortunately, I also need to remove some other names who have not posted their ages in their profiles, this only ensures that yahoo does not delete the group for non compliance. I've already checked though to make certain the ones to be removed are already registered on the website, and be assured they all are so there is no danger of anyone losing their place.

Thank you so much- to each and every one of you for making this dream possible. Together we are Havenstead.

The Sentinel's Herald / Terms of Service
Last post by dc - June 06, 2006, 06:47:28 PM
Please note that you agree to uphold and abide by these Terms of Service and that your membership registration to Havenstead is conditional on your acceptance of these terms. Further, your membership to Havenstead is conditional on the continued abidance of these terms throughout the tenure of your membership.

Please note any reference hereafter to "Havenstead Administration" includes the owners, administrators and moderators of this forum. The reference to "Havenstead" refers to the forums and other website material as a whole.

By agreeing to these terms, you agree through your use of Havenstead that you will not post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have express written consent from the owner of said copyrighted material. You also agree you will not copy any of the content from Havenstead without the express permission of the author/s and or Havenstead Administration, depending on ownership of the material in question. Further, you agree by accepting these terms that you understand ALL content posted on Havenstead is considered copyrighted and owned solely by the author/s of said copyright.

By agreeing to these terms you are representing to Havenstead Administration that you are over the age of 18. Any misrepresentation on your part that you are over 18 will result in your immediate removal from Havenstead, without prior notice.

By agreeing to these terms you understand through your use of Havenstead that Havenstead Administration actively monitors ALL posted material. You also agree that the posted material expresses the individual viewpoints of the author and also that messages are posted at the discretion of that author/s. Further, you agree by accepting these terms that individual represented viewpoints are not necessarily the views of Havenstead, the Havenstead Administration or any of its staff, members, authors and/ or owners of copyrighted material.

Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify the Havenstead Administration immediately.

By agreeing to these terms you understand that YOU remain solely responsible for the content of your posted material. Furthermore, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless and without liability the owners of Havenstead, including its administration, staff, moderators and any or all of its members, authors and/or owners of copyrighted material on the subject of objectionable material. Any information Havenstead Administration determines to be inappropriate to Havenstead will be removed, with or without prior notice. Appropriate sanctions may be applicable.

By agreeing to these terms and your use of Havenstead you also understand that open flaming in the forums will not be tolerated, and that all issues concerning material or content, conflict of personal interests, lack of decorum, personal grievances or disagreement, or any and all other discrepancy, divergence or deviation from individual or personal perspective will be handled through private e- mail. Further, you agree by your use of Havenstead that if no resolution is found Havenstead Administration will be contacted through private e-mail and any further correspondence concerning the matter will be handled through private e-mail.

By agreeing to these terms and your use of Havenstead you understand that NO airing of personal differences or grievances will be tolerated in the forums in any way shape or form, and may result in banning your membership.

By agreeing to these terms you understand Havenstead Administration reserves the right to remove objectionable content, IF they determine that removal is necessary. This policy applies to member profile information as well.

By agreeing to these terms you understand the owners of Havenstead also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any other related information collected on this service), but only in the event of a legal action arising from ANY situation caused by your use, abuse or misuse of this forum.

By agreeing to these terms you understand the Havenstead Administration will never share any personal information or e-mail address or other registration information to a third party, whatsoever, with the exception of the above mentioned conditions.

You agree, through your use of Havenstead that you will never give your password out to another member or non- member of Havenstead. Further, by agreeing to these terms you understand Havenstead Administration reserves the right to ask for your password, but only for the purpose of account protection and or reasons deemed necessary to validate your membership.

By agreeing to these terms you also concur to NEVER using another person's account for any reason, or provide your account details to others for the purpose of circumventing access restrictions. The creation of multiple accounts on the board by a single user for the purpose of manipulating or otherwise misleading other forum members will NOT be tolerated. We also HIGHLY recommend you use a complex and unique password for your account, to prevent account theft.

By agreeing to these terms you understand that with each post, your IP address is recorded in the event that you need to be banned from this forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of this agreement.

By agreeing to these terms you understand that the software places a cookie; a text file containing bits of information (such as your username and password), in your browser's cache. Further, you understand this will ONLY be used to keep you logged in/out. The software does not collect or send any other form of information to your computer.

You agree, through the use of this forum, that you will not post any
material which is willfully false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, hateful,
harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in
violation of any International or United States Federal law. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

This TOS is subject to modification at any time at the sole discretion of
Havenstead Administration.
The Sentinel's Herald / Standard of Decorum (Revised)
Last post by dc - June 06, 2006, 06:46:05 PM
The Havenstead Administration extends a warm welcome and hopes you find your experience as a member of this website to be not only pleasant, but also artistically rewarding. One of our primary goals is to preserve the artistic, elegant atmosphere which has defined Havenstead as something far above the ordinary and as such have established a Standard of Decorum we wish for you to consider.

Those who are familiar with the dynamics of specific lifestyles involving BDSM and Fetish will understand that boundaries will be explored and occasionally pushed against. Persons will be placed in specific situations or challenged with specific goals in mind, for a number of different reasons, those of which are as numerous and unique as the persons involved in their specific situations. However, one of the underlying currents which is never left to chance or guessed upon and that which lies at the heart of Havenstead is consent and communication. Therefore, for this precise reason there are specific standards in Havenstead which will not be challenged for any reason.

The Administration has been fairly generous with the sheer amount of opportunities for creative license; however we ask specifically that certain content be left out of Havenstead. In comparison to the endless opportunity which has been freely offered to our members, a few general common sense and very simple restrictions seem pale in shadow.

We cater to subject matter of a sexual and erotic nature and most are never looked at twice with the eyes of scrutiny, however certain subjects will never be entertained in Havenstead.

  • As a whole, we feel there is nothing erotic or enticing on the subject of children and as such, stories involving sexual reference to them will simply not be tolerated. Your story will be deleted and you will be banned immediately without warning.

  • Considering the burden of responsibility we carry, we also do not accept stories in reference to incest. Though some may not feel this is a terribly risqué subject, it is not within our best interest to encourage or support overtly controversial or potentially traumatizing material. Your story will be deleted and you will be given a warning through private e-mail

  • Stories considering detailed or graphic accounts of rape as potential subject matter other than a reference will also not be accepted. Your story will be deleted and a warning will be given through private e-mail. However, there is an exception to this: we do recognize the validity of Rape Play as a practical tool in establishing or reinforcing trust and will consider the story for posting, but you must forward the story to a moderator for consideration with the understanding that it may or may not be posted. Rape Play is an exclusive subject with specific concepts that may or may not be used in an appropriate context and is subject to the discretion of the Administration.

  • Stories in sexual reference to animals will also not be accepted. However, it must be considered that Havenstead is home to a myriad of mundane as well as magical and mythical creatures. Sentient creatures (i.e., Minotaurs, satyrs, elves, fairies, nymphs, selkies, mermaids or mermen, dragons, were creatures; including werewolves and other manner of mythical creatures) are considered acceptable subject matter since they possess the ability to think separately from primal urges and are able to reason out a situation and give proper consent.

There is no reason or legitimate purpose in trying to define a measure of tolerance on these subjects, and please understand specific deviation or obvious challenge will result in subsequent termination.

Standards of Decorum are in place for good reason. If you are uncertain whether your subject matter may be too controversial, please contact a Moderator to discuss the storyline in detail or forward your finished story to a Moderator for approval.

Havenstead operates on a three strikes you're out rule:

  • The first offense, your story will be deleted and you will be notified of a warning through private e-mail.

  • The second offense, your story will be deleted and you will be notified with an "Administrator's Warning" in the place of your story.

  • The third offense your story will be deleted and your membership will be terminated.

Please understand there are certain actions that will bring immediate termination, including (but not limited to) spam posts, stalking, disruptive behavior, and attempts to misuse services (i.e. "hacking"). The Havenstead Administration reserves the right to remove anyone if their actions merit swift and definitive recourse without prior notice.

Thank you for your participation and we certainly look forward to your individual perspectives. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact a member of the Administration Team whose information can be found below.

Warm Regards,


Lord Omen-
Lady Lorien-

Webmaster/ Sentinel